- Pets must be registered at the office with a current photo.
- Exotic or wild animals are prohibited.
- Pets/animals found to be vicious or a nuisance will not be permitted to remain.
- Waste must be picked up immediately.
- Pets are not permitted to run loose.
- Co-owners are responsible for their pets.
- Except for guide or helper dogs, guests may not bring pets into the building.
Riverfront Condominium Association Rules and Regulations Section 14. Pets
14.4 Dogs must wear collars with identificationat all times.
14.5 Pets must be confined to theOwners/Residents home, except when beingtaken to and from the building, or in the dog park.
14.6 Pets are not allowed to roam free or exercise in any common area (except the dog park) Additionally, pets may not be tied in any common area and left unattended.
14.7 Pets in transit must be on a leash or restrained in a carrier. Pets may only be unleashed in the dog park.
14.8 Owners/Residents are responsible for cleaning up after their pets throughout the property.
14.10 No pets are allowed to become a nuisance or create any unreasonable disturbances.
14.11 You are responsible for any damage or personal injury resulting from the actions of your pet. The Association will not be held responsible for any loss or liability of any kind caused by Owners/Residents pet(s). It is further understood and agreed that failure to comply with these rules may result in a fine.